
【NextDrive聯齊科技 |Design Intern



NextDrive 的願景是實現「善用每一度電」的生活型態。

NextDrive 的願景是實現「善用每一度電」的生活型態。透過一站式的能源物聯網 ( IoE ) 平台,NextDrive 提供電力公司、能源零售業者從感測裝置、閘道器等硬體產品到家庭能源管理應用程式、區域型能源管理系統、數據與裝置管理平台等,全方位能源服務解決方案。


【職缺資訊】Design Intern

Core Responsibilities

  • Work with the design team on developing and maintaining digital products and brand standards, ensuring a high level of quality, and establishing a consistent look and feel across materials.
  • Communicate design ideas verbally and visually to team members and internal stakeholders.
  • Create and design smart, strategic concepts in collaboration with marketing and design.

Essential Qualification

  • An eye for design
  • Expertise in Creative Suite, Sketch, or Figma
  • Experience designing for digital products, as well as print
  • A deep understanding of composition, balance, symmetry, and white space
  • Portfolio demonstrating your design experience








認識更多NextDrive: https://reurl.cc/OXRQXr



聯絡窗口:Peggy Li

