【謝春德平行宇宙系列─勇敢世界】 The Parallel Universe of Hsieh Chun-te ─ Brave The World



【勇敢世界】是謝春德平行宇宙系列之一,也是他晚期風格的創作,如同薩依德(Edward Said)所說,創作者肉體開始頹圮崩壞,甚至要準備面對最終之境,這時的生命扣問,卻會產生獨特的轉向。在展覽之中,同時也播放法國學者莫尼克.西卡爾(Monique Sicard)探索謝春德一生景像與夢想生成的紀錄影片(最新版本臺灣首映),使觀眾更能明瞭他一路走來的令人驚嘆及讚賞的歷程。


Brave the World is one of the Parallel Universe series that showcases Hsieh’s latest style in art, and as expressed by Edward Said, “…the last or late period of life, the decay of the body… great artists and how near the end of their lives their work and thought acquire a new idiom.” French philosopher Monique Sicard’s documentary exploring Hsueh Chun-te’s life and dreams (with the latest version premiering in Taiwan) is also on view in this exhibition, which will help the audience to gain a clearer insight on Hsieh’s amazing and remarkable life journey.

